October 31, 2005


The Celts tried to appease the evil spirits: ghosts, goblins, and demons. Huge "Samhain" bonfires were built to light the way for all the spirits to find their way in to the world of the living. They would leave out food, hoping that this would please the spirit world. If they did not leave a thing, then hence, the spirits would play evil "tricks" on the living in that house. The Druids required human sacrifices, they would go door to door asking for the virgin daughters. If this was not obtained at the chosen homes, then a hexagram was painted on the door in blood to show the appointed evil spirits to cause all kinds of evil to fall on the home. In some cases, even resulted in death.

Romans honored the dead with a festival called Feralia in late October. It honored Pomona, their goddess of fruit trees who was often pictured wearing a crown of apples. During this festival, they ran races and played games to honor the "Apple Queen" and used omens such as apple parings thrown over the shoulder or nuts burned in the fire in order to predict the future concerning their marital prospects. When the Romans conquered the Celts, they combined local Samhain customs with their own pagan harvest festival. Bobbing for apples was derived from this blended pagan celebration.

First of all cats are very spiritual animals. Out of all the animals, the cat can sense the presence of spirits, both good and bad. But the all black cat holds a high significance to the witches and Satanists. The black cat, they believe has special powers. To them they believe the black cat represents incarnated humans, malevolent spirits, or the "familiars" of witches. This is why that many black cats are in danger around Halloween. If you have a black cat, do not let them roam the streets at night, keep them inside. Also the local SPCA's won't even let anyone adopt a black cat around Halloween time, in fear of the cat might be harmed.

The colors orange and black can be traced back to the occult. They were connected to the commemorative masses for the dead, which were held in November. The unbleached beeswax candles used in the various ceremonies were orange. The ceremonial caskets were covered in black cloths. And let's not forget the modern-day "Jack O' Lanterns" orange in color.

The huge fires atop the "sacred" hilltops in which the Druids sacrificed animals and humans derived their name from the skeletons of those who died in them. The words "bone" and "fire" formed the word "bonfire." The orange flames lit up the black night, thus the "official" colors of Halloween. As these pagan worshipers danced around and jumped through the fire, they wore disguises of animal-head masks and animal-skin costumes. The head of each household was given live embers to start a new fire on his hearth which would last until the next autumn. It was believed this fire would protect their homes from danger throughout the year.

Source: Rumela's Web

October 30, 2005

Kuci Kuci Ku.. Chiak!!

Attended CKL's baby fullmoon after my training. Met several friends there with their kids too. I felt kinda alienated out-of-place as the topic for the nite mainly revolve around their proud 'mini me'. On another hand, they are on the norm circle of life.. birth, childhood, studies, working, marriage, parenting, retirement and eventually 'expire'. Certainly there's a timing difference between their circles and mine.

It's absolutely magnificent to witness the soft side parental instinct in each of them. The magical 'mini me' does have his way to melt your heart by merely exercising dozens of facial muscles smiling. I admit I'm lousy with infants but I'm always taken away by their mischevious grins and cheeky laughters. Finally know the reason of them rushing home on the dot to be with their newborn.

CLK has accepted an overseas posting from his company to Middle East for 2 years. Another friend commented that he will never leave his newborn especially for the first few years of his growing up regardless of whatsoever opportunity in order not to miss the priceless experience and bonding. How much does infancy parenting means to u?

October 28, 2005

Blardy insomnia

Why am I frequently being deprived of quality sleep? I'm so fucked..

October 26, 2005

Fehveret 4-Dabalew-Dee

Fantastik Boom-bastik Lomantik!!
My Larling.. I Lap Yew. Do Yew Lap Me 2?

October 23, 2005


Was having meeting when my housemate moved away yesterday. Shockingly disappointed with the amount of garbage left in the room, kitchenette and fridge. Kinda glad she's now safely back in hometown under the protective wings of her parents and bf. Thank God for sparing me the constant whining and negativity.

Two female friends will be joining the family soon. I shall see..

October 21, 2005

Men's best friend

Watched "All about my dog" at MV yesterday evening. Genre: International movie. Language: Japanese. Depicted several short stories of human-canine bonding and how this mutual friendship affects the lives of both animal and human. A recommended movie for pet lovers.

Pochi (pronounced as 'Poo kee' 'Poo chee'; top left) is a well-trained canine and the heroine protagonist of the movie.

October 20, 2005


My condolences to our PM and his family for the demise of Datin Seri Endon Mahmood.

Chilly evening, warm stomach

Been raining since afternoon till late evening. Dreaded to go dinner but luckily friends suggested warm dishes; so it's either steamboat or bak kut teh. Headed to Oldtown for the latter. Dropped them off to place order first whilst I searched for a parking spot.

My jaw dropped and bewildered eyes stared at the foods. Gosh!! A bowl of friedghost, a bowl of pig's spareparts, a bowl of straw mushroom, a bowl of stew chinese mushroom, a bowl of fried tofu, a bowl of pork ribs, a bowl of pork knuckle and a plate of freshly-steamed vegie. Halo!! There were 5 of us and only 4 persons eating. Damn!! I was utterly forced to transform myself into a bull with segmented stomach. Gonna join my Muslim counterparts for fasting later as I've eaten tomorrow's portion.. tonight today's portion.. last night.

October 18, 2005


Today is the first time I cook curry chicken. Ingredients comprise chicken, chilli boh, curry powder, lemongrass, curry leaves, potatoes, garlics, shallots and santan. One big wok.. enuf for a volleyball team.

Actually hutang my buddy since 2004 but procrastinated till today; her birthday. Chatted with Bubbie. Was reminded of an erotic necklace kali-kai.. hehe! Sensual reminiscence of past gaiety.

October 17, 2005


It is a weekly routine for me to clean my room, workstation and handwash my clothes. Dirty bedsheet is replaced with clean and neatly pressed 100% cotton sheet every month. The queen-size comforter will be sent to laundry. Working attires will be pressed and hanged in the cupboard whilst other clothes will be folded and stored in respective drawers.

Some dudes commented I'm a hygienic freako. Some said I'm a goody-homely bloke. Some regarded me as a handy maid. Some retards even have the guts to ask me do for them. Hey!! Hear me all snobbish-infirmity-sleazy muttafakars!! If you can afford to hire a maid, please do so. If you treat your mom/wife/hubby/gf/bf as one, please go bug her/him. Wish u fucktards are striked with instant TPD, be bedridden and rotting lazy flesh be infested with maggots. *-Devilish grin-*

October 15, 2005


Sometime ago, Idah said she thought of me while boarding monorail due to a familiar scent. According to her, it was similar to the scent in my car. I was baffled as the fragrant is not available in country. I vividly recall an incident whereby a friend blogged the same too.. when I jokingly claimed she left her scent at my place.

I still have poignant memory of the following:-
~ scent of my late Mom who loves to use J&J products
~ scent of my late maternal grandma and her wooden-plank bed
~ scent of both my late paternal grandparents and their straw briefcases
~ scent of my late uncle who loves alcohol and tobacco
~ scent of someone special I love to hug and kiss passionately
~ scent of someone special I love to cuddle and snuggle with
~ scent of someone special during and after intimacy

Does your nose smell its way to your nostalgia?

October 12, 2005

Sin tax or syn-tax?

"A shrewd strategy aimed at promoting growth and business while improving the quality of life of the people - that's the thrust of Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi's 2006 Budget"
I do not feel ecstatic about the goodies and incentives of this budget as it doesn't benefits me much but the increase in tax on booze and fag by 9% and 13% respectively is expected. Some smoker dudes retorted that they will not compromise their nicotine-craze but rather spend less in other areas. Similarly, a minister expressed his concern over the dip in sales of malay dailies after budget announcement.

How much and to what extent the annual increment in sin tax could affect the syntax of these hardcore kamikaze smokers?

October 10, 2005

I love my job

Was away for a much anticipated out-of-town seminar on the weekend. We formed a convoy of 8 cars and headed to Lukut town for the infamous 'La Jar' noodle before arriving at the resort just in time to check-in and get ready for team-building activities. I was appointed as a chaperon for my disabled colleague-cum-roommate and this privelege has given me an insight of how much struggle he gotta face daily.. even simple tasks. I felt so blessed!!

The drizzle during our pool-side dinner did not dampen our spirit. Sketches and activities ensued; a perfect jiggle for most ladies who claimed their asses got rounder and heavier after dinner. I happily had my supper whilst the rest were dancing away thru the nite. Still managed to watch Craddle To The Grave on Vision Four before I hit the sack.

The continuous support and recognition given by the Company will not be passed unnoticed. Distinguished speakers were superb and awesome; sharing unselfishly their traits and secrets to succeed and to maintain their success year after year consistently. Many lives and families have been touched and insured; foods on the table, roof above the head, clothes on the body and education for children.

The nobality of my job is a class on its own; unrivalled and unchallenged.

October 06, 2005

The silent mirage

I am alone
In a lonely, uncivilised desert
Without my loved ones and friends
Tormented by hunger and thirst
Battling against life and death

Beyond the horizon
Image of a sparkling blue lake
With my remaining strength
I walk slowly.. very slowly indeed
Each step brings hope and faith
To choose my own fate
To decide my own death

As I move closer
The image begins to fade
And I realise..
I'm beginning to lose
Lost in the world full of hatred and sins
Where human beings become slave
To power, fortune and glory
Is life a mirage?
Or it is not..


I remember composing this poem for fun during my Form 4 holiday break and got it posted in the Malaysian Post and school mag. There's completely nothing to brag about this freaky piece but some dude plagiarised it in the same school mag years later. Ooii Suni!! Mau ciplak.. pandai-pandai lah.

October 05, 2005

Bengkak, Bengkek, Bengkik, Bengkok atau Bengkuk?

Aiyoyo!! Apa dah jadi? My body and immune system breaking down ke? Dah lah keno stiff neck and shoulder muscles karang dok keno mato bengkak pulak.. Isshh!! Nasib baik ado simpan Chloramphenicol kat rumah. Naya brader!

Keno recuperate cipat cipat. Ado team-building dan seminar hujung minggu ini. Besok ado sketsa rehearsal pulak. Aduhai!! Manyak cun punye timing..

October 04, 2005

Body massage

Been feeling kinda heaty lately due to sleeping late, minimal consumption of cooling tea and bad weather. Tensed muscles are transforming me into a walking zombie as certain parts of my body are badly affected and numb.. particularly my neck and shoulder. A friend recommended an Indonesion masseur named Susi at Kepong. This is the first time I ever had a full-body massage for two solid hours. She even guatsa, leaving red-hot-chilli-curry chicken-look-alike marks on my neck, shoulder, back and chest. A perfect bloody-painting of skeleton silhouette on my skin.. my kinda Halloween scare.. hehe!

I feel so relief now. Anticipating a good night rest soon. -Ciao-

October 03, 2005

Hot legs

Went to Sunway to have a peep at FL's car before Creep. WTF!! He modified his BMW 520i.. additional skirtings and side mirrors for RM15k. I was initially sceptical but when I saw it.. damn blardy awesomely rugged.

Watched Creep. Franka Potente's smoking hot but I like her more in both Bourne movies. Her mascular legs had my eyes set on them during the entire movie. I find them so sexy and alluring. I never like scrawny women but instead have a penchant for mature women.. particularly those who are maternally inclined. Those who can cook will have a shorter journey to my heart.. through my stomach.

October 02, 2005


To all who remembers my bird-day, your thoughtfulness is priceless. I miss a simple bowl of mushroom mee-suah with two red hardboiled eggs.. cooked by my beloved late Mom.

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