September 30, 2005

Flower power..

A lovely card from the Hubble Bubble Angels. Muahh..

September 29, 2005

My Bird-Day

Hapi Bird-Day to me (4x)..

I wish.. *mumble mumble.. pili pala.. yadda yadda.. bla bla bla*

September 28, 2005


Been having this curse for decades. Unsure if I seriously need professional therapy and medication. Sigh! I do not have memory of a sleep so peaceful that I need sunray burning my butts to get me up. If sleep debts can be accumulated and accounted for, I'd have either been a bankrupt or a ZZaire..

Can anyone hug me to sleep.. puhleease?

September 26, 2005

Where do broken hearts go?

Got a surprise midnight call from my friend’s hubby, enquiring about the kinda friendship I had developed with his wife. Although I do get along well with members of the opposite sex, I draw a clear line between a friendship and a relationship. IMHO, a mature platonic friendship could, at times, offer much more than a relationship is expected to give, to certain extent and in different manners.

My friend’s estranged marriage is at stake now. I vividly recall my past experience when I was in her hubby’s shoe. Regardless of what I did, it was futile. The more I wanna do, the greater the resentments were. My intrusion has clearly driven her mad and breathless. I failed to realize at that time.. all she ever wanted was her own personal space.

To C (if you ever read this), you are always who you are to me. Love means never having to say you are sorry. If you ever wanna do so, you are already forgiven. Glad you have finally found your rightful path and in good hands now. So, where do I go from here? Simple.. to where my destiny lies.

September 25, 2005

Freckle gone MIA..

How would you feel if your son did not come home last night? How traumatised would you be if he's missing for more than a week without news? Knowing his timidity freaks me out as he's more frighten of a cat than the latter of him. His friendliness and playfulness is much known to some neighbours, whom would happily bring him bones and leftovers in addition to my strict diet of can foods and dog biscuits. Wish the phrase 'like father like son' is applicable to me.. hahahh!

He is the fruit of love from my previous and only 8-year relationship with C. I assumed custody as I could provide a more conducive environment for his growing up.. cehhh! Thereon, he becomes my loyal companion through thicks and thins. Sort of embracing pre-mature fatherhood kinda experience now.

Little that I'm aware of, my son has grown from a cute pup to a fine young dog. His gallivanting was the sole reason of him leaving home, searching for a mate. It triggers me that I've since been single and carefree for some time now.

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