September 26, 2005

Where do broken hearts go?

Got a surprise midnight call from my friend’s hubby, enquiring about the kinda friendship I had developed with his wife. Although I do get along well with members of the opposite sex, I draw a clear line between a friendship and a relationship. IMHO, a mature platonic friendship could, at times, offer much more than a relationship is expected to give, to certain extent and in different manners.

My friend’s estranged marriage is at stake now. I vividly recall my past experience when I was in her hubby’s shoe. Regardless of what I did, it was futile. The more I wanna do, the greater the resentments were. My intrusion has clearly driven her mad and breathless. I failed to realize at that time.. all she ever wanted was her own personal space.

To C (if you ever read this), you are always who you are to me. Love means never having to say you are sorry. If you ever wanna do so, you are already forgiven. Glad you have finally found your rightful path and in good hands now. So, where do I go from here? Simple.. to where my destiny lies.

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