November 30, 2005

Visited C in PMC yesterday. Thanx Ad for calling and informing me. A Laparoscopy aka 'keyhold surgery' was performed to remove her ruptured appendic caused by an inflammed cyst. It is prefered over open surgery because the incesion is smaller, recovery time is quicker and less pain medication is required. However, it costs a whopping RM7k for appendic removal prior to the discovery of the latter culprit larger than a golf ball. Will only know the total medical cost when she gets discharged tomorrow. Fortunately major portion of the cost will be borned by the insurer. A medical card certainly comes handy during crisis huh.
Tell me, which is a wiser choice.. paying ringgit-to-ringgit of the entire bill or split the cost in a ratio of 1:9 with the insurer?
November 28, 2005
Welcome to the Candystore

First day - Fri evening
Much anticipated delivery day finally arrived. Got lost as Lollypop wasn't familiar with delivery route. Finally met Bubblegum and embraced. Given massage to Lollypop before retiring.
Second day - Sat
Joined other candies for bungalow stay. Had tonnes of fun and activities. The weather was cool. Lollypop was exhausted from the long journey but insisted to stay awake to accompany Bubblegum. Instead, Bubblegum got pissed off and demanded Lollypop to rest. Actually Lollypop was jealous coz other candies seem interested in Bubblegum.
Third day - Sun
Bubblegum broke down after canopy walk. Back to warehouse and retired. Night stroll at Kumbar Gulf's jetty.
Forth day - Mon
A special flavour created for Bubblegum. Then both Bubblegum and Lollypop were scheduled for ad-hoc production. Limited edition wrapping for Lollypop.
Fifth day - Tue
Visited Bubblegum's new premise; overlooking sea and airport. Lollypop was knocked off during production. Defects discovered.
Sixth day - Wed
Production halted till defects rectified. Visited temple for 'ping ping an an'.
Seventh day - Thu
Bubblegum on duty. Lollypop met up with another lolly from the same batch at Jambul Hill.
Eighth day - Fri
Production resumed before Bubblegum attended meeting. Lollypop cleaned warehouse. Woke up by vicious lips attack. POP
Ninth day - Sat
Production halted due to loose bolts and nuts. Lollypop's buddies 'jaga' on behalf of Bubblegum. Still traumatised by the morning defects.
Tenth day - Sun
Defective Lollypop returned to factory. Sob!!
November 27, 2005

Attended my secondary school alumni at The Chatz CoffeeHouse, ParkRoyal Hotel. Some 20 handsomes managed to make it. We had good time catching up and feasting; occupying a strategic corner next to the banquet. Though with the limited variety of dishes, pastries, fruits and desserts served, I assumed nobody bothers to complain as the opportunity for the camaraderie is priceless. I was also informed that the first alumni was held in 1997. Dammit!! How come I wasn't invited? How time flies!! As I grow older age gracefully, I learn to appreciate the sentiment of friendship more.. especially childhood machas. Stay in touch, brudders!!
November 23, 2005
Alpha Tango.. Defense Down!!

How are we suppose to treat other humans our family members, loved ones, buddies, acquantainces and strangers? What if these people have certain level of expectations and whatever you do; unintentionally or otherwise; do affect them? Where all these so-called bullshits expectations come from? Should we be sacrificial and accomodative? Would you try your best to please everyone even to the extent of mistreating ownself? Why can't everyone just accept a person as he/she is? Are we qualified to judge others? What makes you think so?
November 21, 2005

There are 2 players and a banker on the blackjack table. The first player got an Ace and a 2 whilst the second player also got an Ace but paired with an 8. The banker got a Jack and a 5.
Assuming the above scenario happened to Adam (A), Billy(B) and Charlotte (C) where B is the banker whilst A and C are player one and two respectively. B and C are married but the latter is seeing A. B came to know about it but little can he do except pursuading C to return to him. C alleged the root cause of her infidelity was solely due to B's lackadaisical behaviours and insensitivity. A resented attachment but enjoyed C's companionship.
What would you do if you are A, B or C?
Note: I'm risking my neck getting it posted in my blog. If you no longer see any future posting.. man I'm fried!!
November 18, 2005

Met up with Bubbie during her short biz trip to KL. As she likes crowds, I initially thought of going Desa Hartamas or Sunway but ended up in Coffee Bean Mid Valley. I suppose she was exhausted from her long journey and CB is merely a stone throw from Cititel where she put up with her biz partners. It has been more than a year since I last met her.
Found her sitting alone in a secluded corner. Oh man!! She's still gorgeous and hot but I guess running her own biz has taken a toll on her somehow.. haggard and fatique. We embraced as usual and began our catching up bla bla. Most of our conversation revolved around her biz and little about herself; of which I'd be more interested in. Haha! She asked if I'd be interested to join her for a vacation to Vietnam and Korea. I recalled a vow I made in 2003 to go vacation with her but somehow both were buzy with own vocation. When the time comes, I hope both of us are still single. Otherwise, my travelling partner is likely my gf/wife.
Would be attending a function early 2006 at her hometown. Hope I'd be able to catch up with her again despite her busy exhibitions. 14375!!
Found her sitting alone in a secluded corner. Oh man!! She's still gorgeous and hot but I guess running her own biz has taken a toll on her somehow.. haggard and fatique. We embraced as usual and began our catching up bla bla. Most of our conversation revolved around her biz and little about herself; of which I'd be more interested in. Haha! She asked if I'd be interested to join her for a vacation to Vietnam and Korea. I recalled a vow I made in 2003 to go vacation with her but somehow both were buzy with own vocation. When the time comes, I hope both of us are still single. Otherwise, my travelling partner is likely my gf/wife.
Would be attending a function early 2006 at her hometown. Hope I'd be able to catch up with her again despite her busy exhibitions. 14375!!
November 16, 2005

A new visitor was discovered. Target: confirmed by Interpol and Disney; associated with Mickey. Been hearing freaking noises at night where my kitchen was being ransacked. Mission: track, hunt and kill.
November 14, 2005

Had my maiden experience on futsal with my colleagues. Playing soccer/football was never my interest and will likely remain status quo. I'm adamant to not playing body contact games because i'm fragile to avoid physical injury and violence.
It was a helluva game. Old folks beaten younger counterparts. Several colleagues succumbed to injury; chipped nails, bruises and twisted ankle. Had my fair share of bruises on my elbows and knees when I fell on the artificial turf. Damn! I'll be limping today.
Having participated in the game made me realised 2 things. I still hate
November 03, 2005
1 Shawal

Wishing all my Muslim friends Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri.
Maaf zahir dan batin.
I'm dreaming of serunding, ketupat, rendang, ayam kurma..
Maaf zahir dan batin.
I'm dreaming of serunding, ketupat, rendang, ayam kurma..