November 18, 2005


Met up with Bubbie during her short biz trip to KL. As she likes crowds, I initially thought of going Desa Hartamas or Sunway but ended up in Coffee Bean Mid Valley. I suppose she was exhausted from her long journey and CB is merely a stone throw from Cititel where she put up with her biz partners. It has been more than a year since I last met her.

Found her sitting alone in a secluded corner. Oh man!! She's still gorgeous and hot but I guess running her own biz has taken a toll on her somehow.. haggard and fatique. We embraced as usual and began our catching up bla bla. Most of our conversation revolved around her biz and little about herself; of which I'd be more interested in. Haha! She asked if I'd be interested to join her for a vacation to Vietnam and Korea. I recalled a vow I made in 2003 to go vacation with her but somehow both were buzy with own vocation. When the time comes, I hope both of us are still single. Otherwise, my travelling partner is likely my gf/wife.

Would be attending a function early 2006 at her hometown. Hope I'd be able to catch up with her again despite her busy exhibitions. 14375!!

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