November 28, 2005

Welcome to the Candystore

A true story from Candyland.. where the fate of Bubblegum and Lollypop crossed path on the shelf, displayed together and parted eventually. Bittersweet flavour and scent still linger; will never be forgotten. Hapi 2nd anni, 75!

First day - Fri evening
Much anticipated delivery day finally arrived. Got lost as Lollypop wasn't familiar with delivery route. Finally met Bubblegum and embraced. Given massage to Lollypop before retiring.

Second day - Sat
Joined other candies for bungalow stay. Had tonnes of fun and activities. The weather was cool. Lollypop was exhausted from the long journey but insisted to stay awake to accompany Bubblegum. Instead, Bubblegum got pissed off and demanded Lollypop to rest. Actually Lollypop was jealous coz other candies seem interested in Bubblegum.

Third day - Sun
Bubblegum broke down after canopy walk. Back to warehouse and retired. Night stroll at Kumbar Gulf's jetty.

Forth day - Mon
A special flavour created for Bubblegum. Then both Bubblegum and Lollypop were scheduled for ad-hoc production. Limited edition wrapping for Lollypop.

Fifth day - Tue
Visited Bubblegum's new premise; overlooking sea and airport. Lollypop was knocked off during production. Defects discovered.

Sixth day - Wed
Production halted till defects rectified. Visited temple for 'ping ping an an'.

Seventh day - Thu
Bubblegum on duty. Lollypop met up with another lolly from the same batch at Jambul Hill.

Eighth day - Fri
Production resumed before Bubblegum attended meeting. Lollypop cleaned warehouse. Woke up by vicious lips attack. POP

Ninth day - Sat
Production halted due to loose bolts and nuts. Lollypop's buddies 'jaga' on behalf of Bubblegum. Still traumatised by the morning defects.

Tenth day - Sun
Defective Lollypop returned to factory. Sob!!

hahha...this is definitely a real COVERUP story...
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