February 19, 2006

Continuous dream

Slept at around 0500. Had a weird dream. Was at some kinda luxury highrise penthouse with some friends playing mahjong. Some pretty netfriends visited me. Some kinda brawl resulted in my precious mahjong set being flung to the ground some 20+ level below and were shattered into tiny pieces. Off I went to some places.. Aiks!! Woke up abruptly when my mobile rang.

Resumed my sleep an hour later and surprisingly my dream continued to the next saga. This time in a landed house. Was having a rave party with some friends. Some pretty netfriends visited me again. Things began to get raunchy and nasty. Whole place gonna tumble.. Aiks!! Woke up abruptly again when Frec barked noisily.

Ouch!! It's way past lunch time. Gonna grab some pasembur and reserve my stomach for Annual Dinner later. Oh ya!! I'd not mind another saga with some pretty netfriends having fiesta tonight *nose bleed*

p/s: Wish I can see some pretty netfriends' faces clearly in my dream tonight. Why faces always so blur one?

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