February 15, 2006
Hot & Spicy
What is the significance of Feb 14 a.k.a Valentine's Day? It has been commercialised into such a BIG hoo-haa phenomenal lovers' day and raked-in lucrative earnings for restauranteurs, florists, jewellery and gift shops. Prices sky-rocketed few folds and yet most places were fully booked by lovebirds. Hehe!! I guess some don't mind being slaughtered once a year gua. However, pity those who are being accused by their bombshells for not bringing them to fine dining.. not buying expensive gifts.. not sending big bouquet of flowers to her office so that she can show off to the world men actually worship them. Some even have guts to send flowers/gifts to ownself. WTF Not that I'm being a sour grape spending my V-Day with Frec, I do have problem with materialistic and inconsiderate bimbos. I shall deduce that only those who makan cili will terasa pedas *smug*
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