April 29, 2006

Kiss me honey honey kiss me..

*Recent MIA was a dire cause of bolehland broadband bawah lagi. Mek cipap oooiii..*

Had an extremely fun-filled-action-packed day. Visited bank, house owners and their properties. Damn the scorching sun. I was drenched with salty sweat in my working attire. Must get some short-sleeve working shirts but saw none in G2000. Bad news from Alex.. SOLD!! I know it's blardy HOT location lah. "GIrl I miss your kisses, all the time and places.. 25 minutes too late" Should be able to dispose BANGAU in May. ONG LAI ONG LAI.. MALI MALI ONG!! I can feel it YYEAAAHHHHH!!

Met up with ex-colleagues; DW and GC. She's still as sweet and svelte as years ago; not to be compared to the ever skinny and balding me. Though not vertically inclined, she's hotter than those Hush Puppies scrawny models. Bet she has tonnes of admirers killing each other for her. WoOt. Went to SB after she left. Two malatlou drinking mocha; telling tales of mid life crisis and fishing. Go catch your MY-SG ARAPAIMA bud. I SUPPORT U. Next target would be WSJ MARLIN.

Talking about fish.. have you ever been bittenkissed by an Arowana before? I though it's a shy species unlike Kaloi. Perhaps suffering from hunger since the tenants left. Fed the tortoise too. Poor pets. Those big fat momma Koi in BANGAU gone. LESAP. Miss watching them feed. Freckle's having his detox lately too. Although not as cute as a Basset Hound, I love it nevertheless. BOY COME TO DADDY *lick lick waggy waggy*

p/s: enjoying my glass of kahlua ice-cream now. SLURP!!

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