May 26, 2006
On my way to a launching this morning when I received a call from cousin sis. My signboard has been removed from her gate by someone. CLEAN CUT without trace. Must give accreditation to uknowho with gargantuan guts. QUEEN OF DISGUISE. SUBTLY DEADLY. Once threatened she will show no mercy. BETTER YOU DIE THAN I DIE. Her surviving motto. It was a total PEACE until she invaded. I'm not afraid of war but I'd prefer a fair fight. Oopps!! Looks like I'm the only gentleman eh. OK lah! I let my eyes go long long. See what kinda flowery stance you play.
I was fishing in the launching. TIRED. SLEEPY. Nothing got registered in my brain except getting more signboards. SIMPLE. CHEAP. DURABLE. EYE CATCHING. Twelve signboards on the way. I'm making them myself. Hehe!! A big thank you and appreciation to TSL for her thoughfulness of designing the words and numbers. I admit I'm damn lousy in drawings :P Will get the stencil done in the morning. CRUCIAL.
Rainy night. Excellent time for ribena vodka. WoOt! Am I turning alcoholic or what?