June 12, 2006
GreenGold Finger
Been reviving a long forgotten passion lately; gardening. Vividly recall the time shared with my paternal grandpa in his garden. Variety of fruits and vegies; long beans, sweet potato, lady's finger, papaya, soursop, ciku, jackfruit, mango and rambutan. When I was young, the crazy bunch (siblings and me) will tag along grandpa for an evening stroll in the neighbourhood. Sometimes he'll bring home some dying plants thrown away by neighbours. Under his green fingers, these plants miraculously survived and been given a second life. Hopefully I get to inherit his gifted touch; if not his gardening knowledge and skills.
Am planting Fittonia and Peperomia at home; the former near my workstation and the latter in the living hall. Peperomia's growing fast so I've transferred bigger shrubs to larger pot whilst trying to propogate younger shrubs via stem cuttings. Guess what.. I did it today at 2 freaking AM while everyone was sleeping soundly. Old habits die hard. Yeah! I admit *smug*