July 28, 2006

Say cheeeeebaiiissse..

Went back to office for a photography session this morning. Since I was instructed to wear elegantly, I expected a decent photography session with all fellow peers and principals. To my dismay, some of them were absent whilst only few photos were taken using a common digital camera. Boss said can photoshop later woh. Aiks!! Dodgy looking photos for dodgy profile. No eyes see.

Popped by at Hush Puppies Warehouse Sale. Bought a pair of Obermain shoes and socks. Was jingling happily the whole evening only to find out later it was a display pair. Aiks!! Damn careless. Blame nobody but me, myself and I. Ok laa.. still look brand new. A good polish will do the trick just like makeups on women. *sniggers*

I'm looking forward for tomorrow's clubbing at Poppy Garden. First in 2006. Out of sudden I feel like head-banging and boozing. I wanna get high. I just wanna have some peaceful moments without thinking of anything else besides partying. Yeah yeah!! No drink and drive I know. Thanx Norman for picking me up. I really appreciate it. Need a drink badly now. Bailey's anyone?

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