What makes this day so special? Party? Gifts? Treats? Spending time with loved ones? To some, it's just another day which marks a leap of his/her physical age, not necessarily mental age. Age is a figure, not a measurement of maturity. I was hoping to have a peaceful day to myself since lately been actively involved with my social activities. The older I get, the more homely I become. The more I listen, the less I talk.
Some of my forum friends decided to throw me a party on my birthday eve. Oopps!! Sorry for exegerrating. It was only several pretty wannababes for dinner. As usual, the torn among the roses. For those who may get jealous, lets trade place and find out for yourself. A male versus three females1 yaujarguai vs 3 hamjimpengs. U do the math ya! After dinner adjourned to sing-k. Hensem blokes came later only to settle the bills coz I called horse; good stuffs need to be shared with machas. 3-3 fair game. One of my machas sang hindi song, Kuch Kuch Hota Hai so well that a thambi next door decided to check us out. He was totally shocked and later came back with few more thambis. They were betting perhaps. Hehe! Finally cabuted after two jugs of beers and a hundred songs sung.
Laidback on the actual day itself. Been hibernating for long hours ever since sleep debts kicked in. Oh man! I didn't realise ageing could be so detrimental. My body's resistence towards alcohol, sickness, sleep debts ..etc is deteriorating at an alarming pace. I wanna get laid and have children of my own before I die prematurely Gotta exercise frequently. Eat consistently. Live moderately. Work regularly. MakeLove daily. Since I was so 'qer lian' lonely on my birthday, MY decided to gimme a dinner treat that night. Western food. Grilled lamb chops. Signature dish. YUMMY!Later when I was about to take bath, I received a surprising call from LD, standing right in front of my gate front demanding entry. Clad only with towel I relented. To my surprise, her nephew and mom were in the car. Aiyo!! I felt so nakedover exposed. Bad Bad LD!! Hurried back to my room clumsily to get dressed. Greeted her mom and of coz her nephew protege mini devil CJ. He got so fascinated with Frec. Hehe. It seems I'm the only stranger so far that has carried him in my arms during the first meeting. Thats so so cool and comforting.. esp for me who are lousy with infants and kids. Ferocious fireants did not deter me from teasing mini devil. Hehe!!
Had another round of supper treat from my housemate. Oh yes!! My fav fruit; durians. We tried some small kici-mai durians of some alien-breed but they sure taste good. Bitter and cheesy creamy.. the way I like it. Been pampering my stomach and liver too much lately with generous loads of scrumptious foods and alcohol-based concoctions. I'm delighted I've gained a kilo or two but sad to say it was territorial. Mainly on my belly.. Sigh!! My newly tailored pants gotta be sent for alteration. Gotta start doing sit-ups now.
Suffice to say, the day was unique and wonderful. The people around me have made the ordinary day a special one. Telima kasi manyiak manyiak. Muahhh!!
// oil replenished @