November 29, 2007

Bad timing

Went for car service after property hunting. Kinda overdue for ages liao. No wonder car feels cranky & cuckoo. Alignment and balancing seem not inline after tyre switching. Was told JRD rims are of low quality plus inferior tyres were used. Since there's gap between the tyres and its mounting, I'd not be expecting any smooth ride unless tyre cones are installed. In addition, the faulty steering hub is making driving a nightmare. Aiyoyo!! Gotta get them fixed coz been travelling with my car alot recently and expecting more to come. Lost track of precious timing and can't get my car on time to pick up my darling. In fact she has wasted few solid hours waiting for me at her friend's home. She was fuming mad. I know it's entirely my fault. No reasons or excuses. Please forgive me, darling :*

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